Tuesday, November 6, 2007

An Inner Monologue...

I've spent the last several days thinking of what to blog about next. As you may or may not have noticed, I have sort of been slacking on the blog front lately, and in my own defense, I have been sick, but nevertheless, I realize it's been all too long. Never fear, dear faithful readers, I am back. The problem for the last few days, though, has been that I have had serious writers block. I have mulled and mulled over ideas to blog about, and have come up with nothing substantial. I have, however had a very interesting inner monologue that went something like this:

"Self, what are you going to tell the people about this week?

"You could tell them about how you forgot to get gas before leaving town for a day full of school visits, even though you knew the night before your gas was gone, but thought it was too cold and too windy to stop and fill up. You thought you would just wait til morning to take care of the gas. Then, you had an allergy attack and were sneezing all morning, so on your way to get some breakfast, you decided against getting the gas as you were afraid the sneezing would somehow create a spark as you were sneezing/convulsing/holding the gas pump. You didn't really want to blow up, so you decided you would wait and get gas after you got food. Well, you forgot. Remember, you got a few miles out of Cedar Falls and looked at the control panel of the car to find that the little yellow light was there, shining in your face...Empty. Now, in one of her previous blogs, Tiffany proved to everyone that one can drive nearly forty miles on empty, so you weren't seriously scared about being gas-less and stranded on the side of the road, and since Tiffany previously blogged about being gas-less, this idea is no good. You can't use it.

"You could go back to the atrocious condition of your car, even though you've already used it once or twice, but, this time you could spin it along the lines of survival. Yesterday, as you looked around to find that six day old piece of pepperoni Kwik Star pizza next to a half eaten Zebra Cake on the floor, and that apple cinnamon Nutri-Grain bar in your purse, you realized that you actually could survive in your car for a few days. And, to combat the cold that is constantly creeping in, you have, as your co-worker Jeremy said, a closet in your car. There are clothes basically covering the entire backseat. There are also two winter coats--so as far as layers go, you would probably be fine. I think you could survive. Especially since there are a few bottles of water in the back seat...but, since that's the extent of the blog idea, it probably wouldn't survive.... :(

"What about the trip out of Des Moines to Cedar Falls at 6am in 60 mph wind? Beth already took the wind story...

"Blog about multitasking...You could tell the story about driving down the road the other day and decided to call the grandparents. You were talking to grandpa--he's cool, but I think he underestimates your ability to be a successful multi-tasker. You're talking to him, and he's all : "girl, you can't be driving and talking on the cell phone at the same time, you know, I really hope you're using one of those blue teeth thingys because your hands need to be on the wheel, right there at ten and two, now, come on girl you'll give this old man a heart attack worrying about what you're doing while not paying attention to the road (insert huge disgruntled sigh here)." And you're all: "Grandpa, if you only knew four minutes ago, I was texting, eating Kwik Star pizza, taking my antibiotics, checking the map, looking for a new CD, driving with my knees, taking the fingernail polish off my nails, and leaning over to answer my other cell phone all at the same time, you probably wouldn't be so concerned!" Again, decent idea, just difficult to develop.

"You could blog about nasty greasy food, but Beth just took that idea.

"How about blogging about running over your bare foot with your very heavy suitcase, and how after you finished screaming/crying/holding your breath your whole foot went numb? Yeah, you're right, that one just makes you sound stupid.

"You could blog about the soy candle store you stopped at to buy your grandma a candle for Christmas since soy candles are cleaner and burn slower, and they smell really really good, but what will you do if grandma takes a break from bidding on pink-colored crystal dishes on Ebay and decides to read your blog? Then the surprise would be ruined."

So, dear fans, there you have it--every little idea that crossed the train of blog thoughts that have run through my mind in the last few days--every little thought I never wanted to tell you about...sorry if I ruined your Christmas gift, grandma.


DREW said...

haha.. i was indeed wondering where your blogs have been..NO LIE!

But the wait was worth it!

London says HI, only 22 days left :'(

I'm NOT ready...at all!!!

Anonymous said...

LOL, "very niiiice."

Anonymous said...

I think you could have really gone somewhere with the mulit-tasking/grandpa idea . . . should've let the idea marinate a little longer. :)

"Self, get it together. You can do better than this."--(That's my "self" talking to me, just now.)