Monday, November 26, 2007

A little froggy...

I hope you all enjoyed your holiday break. Mine was good, too. I mean, if you enjoy being sick. Wednesday I headed to my sister's house in the middle of the snow storm that we were hit with here in central Iowa. After work and four inches later, I headed out, and actually made it in pretty good time. I got through Wednesday night and Thursday morning like a champ. Then, all of the sudden, after stuffing myself with turkey, mashed potatoes, corn, and french silk pie, I took a turn for the worse.

The rest of my family was in the living room, sluggishly moping around in their tryptophan induced hazes, only mustering excitement when the Lions scored a touchdown, when I noticed that my throat was feeling a little froggy.

I have a tendency to be sick during the winter, and I was feeling a little sullen as the doom creeped in upon me. By Friday morning I couldn't swallow, and my ears ached terribly. My sister called the local doc for me so I could get some medicine. They prescribed some antibiotics that didn't work, and sent me on my way. Eventually, I felt guilty for being sick with little niece Emerson around--I didn't want her to get sick too, so Saturday morning, I packed up and headed for the hills...or Des Moines...which isn't really all that hilly.

Anyway, five days later, I am still feeling the effects of my like 6th illness of the season. My voice disappears sometimes, and my face is completely stuffed up. The point is, all of you should drink less soda and more orange juice. I've got to go schedule that flu shot...


Beth - Admissions Counselor said...

Oh no! I knew it, soda is bad for me! I HAVE to stop drinking it!

Anonymous said...

YES! More OJ!